منتديات عيت ارفاد التميمي
أهلاً وسهلاً بك عزيزي الزائر في منتديات عيت أرفاد التميمي .. تفضل بالدخول ان كنت عضواً وبالتسجيل ان لم يكن لديك حساب وذلك للحصول علي كامل المزايا ولمشاهدة المنتديات المخفية عن الزوار..

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

منتديات عيت ارفاد التميمي
أهلاً وسهلاً بك عزيزي الزائر في منتديات عيت أرفاد التميمي .. تفضل بالدخول ان كنت عضواً وبالتسجيل ان لم يكن لديك حساب وذلك للحصول علي كامل المزايا ولمشاهدة المنتديات المخفية عن الزوار..
منتديات عيت ارفاد التميمي
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
إعلانات المنتدي

الأخوة الزوار

سجل فوراً في منتديات عيت أرفاد التميمي لتنال احقية مشاهدة اخبار المنطقة ومتابعة كل صغيرة وكبيرة في التميمي - اخبار المنطقة محجوبة عن الزوار

الأعضاء الكرام

الكلمة الطيبة صدقة والاحترام المتبادل تاج علي رؤوسكم وتذكروا قول الله عز وجل !! ما يلفظ من قول الا لديه رقيب عتيد
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أقدم مومياء فى افريقيا "موهي جاج" مكتشفة بـ ليبيا

اذهب الى الأسفل

أقدم مومياء فى افريقيا "موهي جاج" مكتشفة بـ ليبيا Empty أقدم مومياء فى افريقيا "موهي جاج" مكتشفة بـ ليبيا

مُساهمة من طرف dude333 2012-08-26, 10:31 pm

أقدم مومياء فى افريقيا "موهي جاج" مكتشفة بـ ليبيا


أقدم مومياء مكتشفة فى افريقيا. وجدت هذه المومياء ("موهي جاج" او "وان موهجج" او "المومياء السوداء") في جبال أكاكوس (تادرارت اكاكوس) جنوب ليبيا. التحنيط لم يبدا في مصر وانما بدا في ليبيا والشعب الليبي القديم "وان موهجج" بالتحديد هو اول من قام بالتحنيط ثم توزعوا نحو الشمال والجنوب ونحو النيل بعد أن حصل تغيير مفاجئ للمناخ في الصحراء الليبية

The Mystery of the "Black Mummy" (Uan Muhuggiag). Discovery: The Tashwinat Mummy is a small mummy of a child, discovered in a small cave in Wan Muhuggiag, in the Acacus mountains (Tadrart Acacus), Fezzan, Libya, by Professor Fabrizio Mori in 1958. The mummy is currently on display at the Assaraya Alhamra Museum (gallery 4) in Tripoli. The name Muhuggiag appears in various forms, including Wan Mughjaj, Uan Mugjaj (probably a typing error of: Muhjaj), Wan Mahugag, and Uan Muhuggiag. The local pronunciation of the name gives: Muhjaij: /mouhjeej/. The Mummy: The cave showed signs of being occupied at different periods, and its walls were painted with images of people, animals, cattle, and scratched with graffiti. This was an opportunity probably the kind professor Mori was searching for. As the cave's floor was sandy and soft to dig, the professor could not resist the rare opportunity to be the first to excavate the cave. Not long and not far from the surface he found what appeared to be a strange bundle of some sort. Upon careful investigation it turned out to be of a mummy of a child carefully wrapped in a goatskin, with its entrails replaced by wild herbs, probably to aid preservation. The child is thought to have been 3 years old at the time of death. Using radiocarbon 14 method, the mummy was thought to be between 5,400 and 5,600 years old, which makes it much older than any of the mummies found in (neighbouring) ancient Egypt. It was believed that the makers of the mummy were cattle herders, and occupied much of North Africa, at a time when the Sahara was a savannah. Wan Muhuggiag Periods: The archaeological finds at the site indicate that it was occupied by humans at different times. The most recent layer contained stone tools, such as querns, and a horned cattle skull, probably as an emblem of the sun; while the oldest layer contained stone slabs, typically used during that period for proper burial (see Germa Museum for details on this). 5400 years ago -- 7850 years ago -- 7600 years ago. The video retells the story of the mummy and of Professor Savino di Lernia and his colleagues, who revisited the location over a number of years, in search of answers. Previously scientists thought the earliest evidence for mummification in Africa comes from Egypt, but after Mori's discovery researchers now believe the African science of mummification must have its origin elsewhere in Africa - another unknown civilisation, they say. Is it one of the numerous Berber Amazigh civilisations of Ancient Libya that thrived in the past 20,000 years? The narrator and others claim the ancient people depicted in prehistoric art are "black" (negroid type), when in fact they are not. See our prehistoric art galleries (accessed via the above menu) to see for yourself that the dominant colour is indeed "brown" or "dark red", simply because of the paint type the pastoral artists used, including the ochrey colour of ochre, white, yellow and other shades. Misrepresenting facts preserved on rocks for nearly 20,000 years (or more) and which the whole World can see is not "scientific research". Proper scientists ought to refrain from bringing colour into "cultural issues", or at least get their colours right, because they ought to be the first to know that colour merely adjusts itself with temperature to regulate the melanin production in the body, which acts as a sunscreen to protect the skin from the lethal ultraviolet radiation coming with the scorching heat of the sun. Some colours are indeed illusionary refraction of wavelength where neither the sky nor the sea is really blue. The further north you travel the lighter the skin becomes, and vice versa, of course; and hence Berbers Amazigh come in all sorts of colours simply because they are distributed across a massive area covering nearly half of Africa, from the mild Mediterranean coast to the baking-hot hearth of Africa

أقدم مومياء فى افريقيا "موهي جاج" مكتشفة بـ ليبيا 116669782
مشرف المنتدى السياسي
مشرف المنتدى السياسي

عدد المشاركات : 5585
العمر : 54
رقم العضوية : 9508
قوة التقييم : 36
تاريخ التسجيل : 11/01/2012

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